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Southeast Asia Dumping Ground as an Unfair Responsibility

by: Ica Wulansari In recent month, we heard frequently Southeast Asia Nations reject import plastic rubbish from wealthy nations. Some countries in Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and Philippine become the location of where wealthy nations` plastic waste go to the rest. But, most of Southeast Asian countries decided to send back this plastic trash. Meanwhile, Indonesian government has imposed a ban on import plastic waste from Western countries. This situation tell us that plastic waste crisis has dramatically increasing and urgently needed enough place to piled up. First of all, this crisis started by China`s policy to stop importing plastic rubbish due to China has desired overcoming pollution troubles. After that, wealthy countries that dominated by Western countries have serious problem to cope with their much of plastic waste. In contrary, wealthy nations had voiced loudly in terms of eco lifestyle such as minimizing disposable products. ...

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